The LGBT Resource Center provides a variety of programs and events for the UCI community. Registration is not required for any events/programs. There are no hourly requirements and community members are free to come and leave at any time during the program.
To view a larger version of the schedule, right click the image and select “Open Image in a New Tab”.

A discussion group for those who identify as transgender, nonbinary, and/or gender questioning. A great space to learn more, get resources, and connect with others in the trans community.
Queer Care
Queer Care is a collaborative, weekly event between the LGBTRC and the Counseling Center at UCI. This program serves as a space for the UCI LGBTQ+ community to come together and care one another. Activities include guest speakers and self-care activities like mindfulness walks, meditation, journaling, and more!
Queer, transgender, Black, Indigenous, people of color, or QTBIPOC nights is a space for those who identify as a person of color and part of the LGBTQ+ community. Discussions range from wellness and healing, to social media and movies, to activism on campus and more.
Stay Woke
Stay Woke is a community knowledge sharing event, focused on the community coming together to discuss current news topics or other important topics. No one person knows everything, knowledge is meant to be shared, and together we can stay connect and informed about multiple issues, communities, and what is happening around the world.
One Foot Out: Coming Out Group *Fall Quarter only*
One Foot Out is a discussion group for anyone who is currently questioning their identity around the LGBTQ+ spectrums, newly out with their LGBTQ+ identity(s), and/or for anyone who is new to the LGBT community as a whole or here at UCI. Connect with others and take that first step to being connected and involved with the LGBT community and the UCI LGBTRC.
Zoom Link:
QT Book Club
Come together to read some LGBTQ+ literature with community! Check out our instagram to find out the book of the quarter!
Late Nights
Late Nights is a social event for the community to come together for fun! Art projects, movies, games, and lots more!
Come join us for a fun afternoon of crafts with the community!
Gayming is a social program for folks to come together and play some games together! Plenty of board games, video games, and more for folks to relax and hang out with community.
Email questions to LGBTRC program coordinator Amy Pham at