
Message to Community

Please stay tuned to our website and Instagram (click here) for updates and information about the LGBTRC!
Join our Discord as well! Click Here!

Professional Staff Contact Information:
Davidian Bishop (director) – davidian.bishop@uci.edu
Deejay Brown (assistant director) – deejay.brown@uci.edu
Bowie Rivera (transgender care specialist) – bowie.rivera@uci.edu

Flyers & Marketing:
All UCI associates are welcomed to save and share marketing materials for the LGBTRC. All flyers and other marketing materials added to the front page of our website are downloadable for your convenience.

Summer Hours

Monday Office Closed / Staff working remotely

Tuesday 9am -5pm

Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Stay Woke and Gayming

Thursday 9am – 5pm

Friday Office Closed / Staff working remotely

Programs & Events

LGBTRC Summer 2024 Weekly Programs Schedule


  • Stay Woke & Gaming
    12:00 – 3:00 PM

Stop by the LGBTRC for Summer Stay Woke and Gaming! Join us at our knowledge sharing event and hop topics. End the afternoon with Gaming and enjoy hanging out.

New Student LGBTQIA+ Orientations

The New Student LGBTQIA+ Student Orientationare open community and involvement orientation for new, returning, and transfer students where the LGBtrFCC showcases resources and opprutinities for student engagement. TO honor our past and censors we name them after some notable LGBTQ+ figures.

  • Wednesday 9/25 2:00-3:30pm (open)
  • Thursday 9/26 12-1:30pm (open)
  • Thursday 9/26 3-4:40pm (for Graduate & Transfer students)

For question email Deejay and Amy:
Deejay.Brown@uci.edu: Phamam2@uci.edu

Register for orientation via the google form (in graphic), Linktree in Bio, or our website: www.lgbtrc.uci.edu


Summer Virtual Staff Office Hours

Davidian Bishop’s Support Space / Virtual Office Hours

Join the LGBTRC’s Director for questions and conversation, resources and services, or just to hold space and time together!

Thursday 9am-10am

Via Zoom link: https://uci-hipaa.zoom.us/j/96189582553?pwd=cEJaeEEyYS9rZzh3RGwxWC9hYy9CQT09&from=addon

Not available these dates:
7/18, 8/8, 8/22, 9/12

Deejay Brown’s Support Space / Virtual Office Hours

Join the LGBTRC’s Assistant Director for questions and conversation, resources and services, or just to hold space and time together!

Tuesdays 9am-10am

Via Zoom link:  https://uci.zoom.us/j/92613035696

The following dates they will not be available:

Bowie Rivera’s Support Space / Virtual Office Hours

Join the LGBTRC’s Transgender Care Specialist for questions and conversation, resources and services, or just to hold space and time together!

Thursday 9am-10am

Via Zoom linkhttps://zoom.us/j/96050402838?pwd=OUFxR1dxR2VUM0hhMTRaOG9ka2tpUT09

The following dates they will not be available:

New Program Coordinator’s Support Space / Virtual Office Hours (starting 7/30/24)

Join the LGBTRC’s Program Coordinator for questions and conversation, resources and services, or just to hold space and time together!

Tuesday 9:30am-10:30am

Via Zoom linkhttps://zoom.us/j/96050402838?pwd=OUFxR1dxR2VUM0hhMTRaOG9ka2tpUT09

The following dates they will not be available:

New Opportunities


The LGBTRC VolunQueer Program is an opportunity for students to gain valuable leadership skills and cultural competency while contributing to the mission and vision of the LGBTRC.

VolunQueers are active members of the LGBTRC and collaborate with administrative and student staff so that the LGBTRC can serve its constituents through advisement, advocacy, program development, and outreach. Volunqueer hours typically consist of 2-3 hours per week and commit throughout the academic year. This is a non-paid position.

Click here for more info!

Sign up on our interest form below!

Link to sign up: https://forms.gle/iNtmUj1JUGMHs8mDA 

For more information Email or Contact Deejay Brown


Staff and Faculty Pride Collective

Community • Support • Socials • & More!

Our Mission: To address LGBT concerns on campus and to organzie activities to mee the needs of UCI’s LGBT staff and faculty.

Register on the Google Form Link to register and learn more!

Click here for link to google form

For additional information, please email Deejay Brown

Click here for link to deejay.brown@uci.edu

Ways to Give

Looking to give, donate, and support the LGBT Resource Center? Check out the link below to find out how! Or scan the QR code on the image!

Click here for link to information on how to give to the LGBT Resource Center